
Developing Syllabus for Rare Breast Diseases Using the Integrated Multimodality of Case-/Problem-/Resource-Based Learning

  • 摘要:
    目的 本研究拟明确乳腺罕见病教学名录及教学内容,并以基于案例+问题+资源多元并轨教学模式完成教案编写。
    方法 以文献计量学的方法回顾获得1975年1月至2024年6月的乳腺罕见病相关文献共6291篇,开展引用分析、关键词共现分析,获得初步候选乳腺罕见疾病;并在《罕见病学》《中国罕见病参考名录》《第二批罕见病目录》中进一步检索,合并筛选教学内容。
    结果 在16 387个关键词中,共现分析筛选获得1000个(6.1%)关键词,含50个(0.3%)候选病种,按照原发于乳腺的罕见病、特定胚系基因突变相关罕见疾病累及乳腺,以及全身多系统罕见病累及乳腺等3种情况进行分类总结。从候选目录中,进一步筛选获得20个(0.1%)具有较为显著临床教学意义的乳腺原发罕见病,以及通常需要诊治处理的、乳腺受累情况在全身多系统疾病中具有重要意义的基因突变或无明确突变的多系统全身罕见病,根据不同疾病临床特点及不同教学模式侧重点,总结撰写多元并轨教学教案。
    结论 本研究初步确立了乳腺罕见病教学内容,并以案例+问题+资源多元并轨教学模式,针对每个乳腺罕见病的重点教学内容完成了教案编写。


    Objective This study aims at establishing a teaching catalog and content for breast rare diseases and developing the syllabus for the breast rare disease using integrated multimodality of case-/problem-/resource-based learning (CBL+PBL+RBL).
    Methods By conducting bibliometrics co-occurrence analysis, we collected 6291 articles on breast rare disease published from January, 1975 to June, 2024. Additionally, we retrieved the Textbook on Rare Diseases, the Catalog of Chinese Rare Disease, and Second Batch of Rare Disease Catalog and then decided the teaching content.
    Results From 16, 387 keywords, 1000 (6.1%) keywords were identified through co-occurrence analysis, including 50(0.3%) candidate diseases. These were classified into three categories: rare primary breast diseases, rare genetic mutation-related diseases associated with breast cancer, and rare systemic multi-system diseases involving the breast. From the candidate list, 20(0.1%) rare primary breast diseases were further selected for their notable clinical teaching significance, and significant multi-systemic diseases affecting the breast, whether related to gene mutations or not. Teaching plans were drafted using a diversified parallel teaching approaches, taking into account the characteristics of different diseases and the focus of different teaching methods.
    Conclusions This study initiated the development of the teaching content for breast rare diseases and developed the teaching syllabus using the CBL+PBL+RBL integrated multi teaching model and targeting each rare breast disease for the critical point for teaching.


