Citation: | CHENG Yan, FANG Yunhai, ZHANG Xinsheng. Current Status and Discussion of Hemophilia Aid System[J]. Journal of Rare Diseases, 2022, 1(4): 375-379. DOI: 10.12376/j.issn.2097-0501.2022.04.003 |
Hemophilia is a hereditary bleeding disorder where the only effective treatment is factor replacement therapy. The main contradiction of hemophilia in China is the contradiction between the increasing demand for quality of life of hemophilia patients and insufficient medical insurance, medical treatment and medicine. Expensive treatment costs are the main reason for patients to "be impoverished due to illness" and "return to poverty due to illness". This article analyzes the current status of the hemophilia aid system through the existing literature data and existing patient aid projects. Cooperation of social insurance, social relief and high-quality medical services is critical to a complete hemophilia comprehensive medical aid system, so that hemophilia patients can receive standardized diagnosis and treatment, and try to achieve the close quality of life as normal.
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