
A Case Report of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 Presenting as Acute Respiratory Failure

  • 摘要: 强直性肌营养不良1型(DM1)是一种常染色体显性遗传、多系统受累的肌营养不良,临床上主要表现为进行性肌肉无力、肌肉萎缩及肌强直。本文报道一例以急性呼吸衰竭为主要表现就诊的33岁DM1女性患者。神经电生理提示肌源性损害合并部分神经源性损害,股外侧肌活检提示肌细胞存在大量核内移。基因检测提示19号染色体DMPK基因CTG重复扩增(847±76)次,从而明确诊断为DM1。本例报道拓宽了临床医师对DM1不典型临床表现的认识,从而避免漏诊误诊。


    Abstract: Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a multisystem trinucleotide repeat expansion disorder usually referred to the department of neurology with complaints of progressive muscle weakness and myotonia. This article reported a 33-year-old female patient with DM1 presenting with acute respiratory failure.Muscle biopsy in vastus lateralis showed significantly increased internal nuclei. Genetic test show CTG repeat expansions with the size of (847±76) in dystrophia myotonica protein kinase (DMPK) gene on chromosome 19. This case report broadens the clinician′s understanding of the atypical clinical manifestations of DM1, so as to avoid missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.


