
Aphasia in Right Hemiparesis and Pain in Left Waist: A Deceiving Case in Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

  • 摘要: 作为一种罕见的遗传性结缔组织疾病,Ehlers-Danlos综合征(EDS)在人群中发病率为(0.1~1)/万。而作为EDS中预后最差的一类分型,血管型EDS(vEDS)的发病率在全部EDS分型中极低。本文报道一例vEDS患者,表现为一过性右侧肢体偏瘫伴失语,左腰部疼痛。通过基因检测最终诊断为vEDS,通过多学科会诊共同决策,为该患者制订后续的治疗方案。EDS分型复杂,表现多样,极易误诊,在此报告诊疗经验。


    Abstract: The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome(EDS)is a rare inherent connective tissue disorder. The prevalence of EDS in the population is estimated at one out of ten thousand to one out of a hundred thousand. The vascular EDS(vEDS) are rare among the subtypes but are the worst in prognosis. The article reports a case of vEDS admitted to the hospital. The patient was a young man complaining of a sudden onset of aphasia in right hemiparalysis and severe left abdominal pain for unknown reasons. The diagnosis was made after the genetic testing. The patient suffered from vEDS. Then, the multi-disciplinary team(MDT)made a treatment plan tailored to this young patient. The complexity in classification and delusive presentations of the EDS make the correct diagnosis very challenging. This article hopes to report this case and to share the experiences to the better understanding of this disease.


