
The Research Progress of Visual Snow Syndrome

  • 摘要: 视雪综合征(VSS)是一种以全视野中持续出现闪烁光点为临床特征的视觉障碍疾病,可伴畏光、夜盲等视觉症状和偏头痛、焦虑、抑郁等非视觉症状。VSS在病程中可保持稳定或持续恶化,对患者的视觉体验和精神状态带来极大痛苦。目前其病理机制尚不明确,有学说提示可能与视觉中枢皮层兴奋性增加相关。病例报道显示抗癫痫药、彩色滤光片、经颅磁刺激等治疗手段可能有助于改善症状,但仍需进一步临床研究验证。本文将对VSS的研究进展进行系统介绍。


    Abstract: Visual snow syndrome(VSS)is a visual-disturbance disease characterized by continuous flickering tiny dots in the entire visual field, sometimes with visual symptoms like photophobia or nyctalopia and non-visual symptoms such as anxiety and depression.VSS can remain stable or worsen, causing distress to patients′ visual experience and mental state. The pathological mechanism of VSS is still unclear and a hypothesis indicates a relationship between VSS and increased cortical excitability of the visual cortex. Some case reports suggest anti-seizure medications, colored filters and TMS may help eliminate symptoms, but futher studies are required to verify these treatments. This review will systematically introduce what we know about VSS so far.


