
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Diseases in Children: Now and Future

  • 摘要: 罕见病是指一类人群发病率很低的疾病,目前无统一定义。50%~75%的罕见病患者为出生或儿童期发病,给家庭和社会带来巨大的心理负担和经济负担。随着罕见病诊断技术的迅猛发展、治疗手段的不断进步以及相关政策的相继出台,罕见病的防治取得巨大进展。本文总结儿童罕见病的诊治进展,并对今后的努力方向做出展望。


    Abstract: Rare diseases refer to a group of diseases having very low incident rates in the population without unified definition up till now. Approximately 50% to 75% of rare diseases occur at birth or in childhood, incurring huge psychological and economic burden to families and society. With the rapid development of diagnostic technology and the continuous progress in treatment and the introduction of relevant policies, China has made great progress in the prevention and treatment of rare diseases. This article summarizes the latest progress in the diagnosis, clinical management, and research of pediatric rare diseases; and explores the prospects in the future.


